Independent NYS Self-Direction Support Broker

I’m Nick Yetto—a Self-Direction Support Broker, certified by the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). I live in Delmar, NY, with my wife and two children.


What is a Support Broker?
Support Brokers (“Brokers”) assist people with developmental disabilities who choose to self-direct their Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) services with Budget Authority to develop a Circle of Support and complete and manage a Self-Direction Budget. Self-Direction provides individuals more direct responsibility in managing their supports and services. People who participate in Self-Direction may self-hire and manage their own staff supports (employer authority) and decide on the supports and services they need and how the funding allowed for these supports and services is allocated (budget authority).


My son, 10, has severe autism. We began our path to Self-Direction in 2018. The road was long, and the paperwork/evaluation process was often overwhelming, but the program has given my son new opportunities, greater access to services, and a brighter future. Self-Direction has been a godsend to our “special needs family.” Things can get better.

In 2020, I took the training to become a certified Support Broker. My sole intention was to manage my son’s budget and services—to set things up properly today, and to plan for the future we’re gone (a common worry for all parents, but especially those in our situation). A strange thing happened. My wife and I are active in the special needs community, and other parents/guardians found out I was certified. They asked if I could broker for them. I found the work very rewarding, and I have a knack for it, so I decided to take on more clients.

I respond to all emails and phone calls within 24 hours. You’ll never wonder if you’re going to hear back from me, and I’ll never be the bottleneck in your process. I create screenshare video tutorials to help my clients understand every aspect of their budget, services, and the system at large. I’m a special needs parent, so I know the challenges my clients face and the actual, practical ways those challenges can be addressed.

Since COVID, there’s been a shortage of everything. In the disability services space, the greatest lack is in available caregivers (DSPs). ComHab providers. Respite providers. I’ve developed a DSP job advertising and referral system that helps my clients find the support professionals they need. If you’ve been struggling to find a respite/comhab person, I have tools that can help.

To learn more, email me at:

From there, we can set up a phone call, Zoom, or in-person meeting.